20 Ergebnisse für: pnin
OGND - results/titledata
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Matthes | Akademie der Künste, Berlin
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Publikationsreihe Themen - Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung
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The Annotated Lolita: Revised and Updated - Vladimir Nabokov - Google Books
The annotated text of this modern classic. It assiduously illuminates the extravagant wordplay and the frequent literary allusions, parodies, and cross-references. Edited with a preface, introduction and notes by Alfred Appel, Jr.
LOLITA: Nymphchen - DER SPIEGEL 12/1959
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Through the Russian Prism: Essays on Literature and Culture - Joseph Frank - Google Books
Joseph Frank's continuing biography of Dostoevsky is by now recognized as one of the major achievements of this century in this form, and perhaps the best work on the author in any language. During the course of this long-range effort, Frank has also…
Literatur: Nabokovs "Laura" wird doch nicht verbrannt - WELT
Der Fall hielt die Literaturfreunde in Atem. Vladimir Nabokov wollte, dass sein letzter Roman verbrannt wird. Die Witwe brachte es nicht übers Herz, Sohn Dimitri Nabokov (73) hatte die Tat bislang immer mal wieder angekündigt. Jetzt aber hat er…