190 Ergebnisse für: 17,91
Laser Diode Beam Basics, Manipulations and Characterizations - Haiyin Sun - Google Books
Many optical design technical books are available for many years which mainly deal with image optics design based on geometric optics and using sequential raytracing technique. Some books slightly touched laser beam manipulation optics design. On the other…
Gösta Mittag-Leffler: A Man of Conviction - Arild Stubhaug - Google Books
Gösta Mittag-Leffler (1846–1927) played a significant role on the world stage as both a scientist and entrepreneur. Regarded as the father of Swedish mathematics, his influence extended far beyond his chosen field because of his extensive network of…
Managing Workplace Stress: The Cognitive Behavioural Way - Koushiki Choudhury - Google Books
This book is focussed at those who are working or are about to enter the workplace. According to the book, workplace may be defined as "any environment enabling work to be done". This broader definition will make the workplace include any situation or…
Israel Gohberg and Friends: On the Occasion of his 80th Birthday - Google Books
Mathematicians do not work in isolation. They stand in a long and time honored tradition. They write papers and (sometimes) books, they read the publications of fellow workers in the ?eld, and they meet other mathematicians at conferences all over the…
Wave Physics: Oscillations - Solitons - Chaos - Stephen Nettel - Google Books
This is a text for the third semester of undergraduate physics for students in accelerated programs, who typically are preparing for advanced degrees in science or engineering. The third semester is often the only opportunity for physics departments to…
The Muslim Brotherhood: The Organization and Policies of a Global Islamist ... - B. Rubin - Google Books
The Muslim Brotherhood is the oldest and most important international Islamist group. Aside from strong organizations in Egypt, Jordan, Syria—where it provides the main opposition—and its Palestinian offshoot Hamas which rules the Gaza Strip, the…
Daley.co.de - Ihr Daley Shop
Tom Daley lebensgroßer Pappaufsteller, John Francis Daley lebensgroßer Pappaufsteller, Beersheba Centenary Edition als eBook Download von Paul Daley, Where Data Is Wealth als Buch von Bruce Daley, Daley: A Retrospective als eBook Download von,
Arthur Melinski - AbeBooks
AbeBooks ist ein weltweiter Internet-Marktplatz für neue, gebrauchte, antiquarische und vergriffene Bücher
Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, Pionier Denkmal am Wasserbahnhof | xl
Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, Pionier Denkmal am Wasserbahnhof | Finden Sie Bilder von 1880 - 1945 im Online Archiv. Sofort-Download möglich.
Edenkobener Weg 1-78 in Berlin - KAUPERTS
Details und Stadtplan zu Edenkobener Weg Berlin - 12247 - Lankwitz