135 Ergebnisse für: 20,08
Ruins of Identity: Ethnogenesis in the Japanese Islands - Mark Hudson - Google Books
Many Japanese people consider themselves to be part of an essentially unchanging and isolated ethnic unit in which the biological, linguistic, and cultural aspects of Japanese identity overlap almost completely with each other. In its examination of the…
Ruins of Identity: Ethnogenesis in the Japanese Islands - Mark Hudson - Google Books
Many Japanese people consider themselves to be part of an essentially unchanging and isolated ethnic unit in which the biological, linguistic, and cultural aspects of Japanese identity overlap almost completely with each other. In its examination of the…
Freedom’s Prophet: Bishop Richard Allen, the AME Church, and the Black ... - Richard S. Newman - Google Books
An Interview with the Author on the History News NetworkA Founding Father with a Vision of Equality: Richard Newman's op-ed in The Philadelphia InquirerAuthor Spotlight in The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle"Gold" Winner of the 2008 Foreword Magazine Book…
A History of Modern Japanese Aesthetics - Google Books
This collection of essays constitutes the first history of modern Japanese aesthetics in any language. It introduces readers through lucid and readable translations to works on the philosophy of art written by major Japanese thinkers from the late…
Category:Wildpark-MV – Wikimedia Commons
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Dieter Hoffmann - Munzinger Biographie
Biographie: Hoffmann, Dieter; deutscher Leichtathlet (Kugelstoßen)
Aerospatiale / Sud-Aviation SA 321 Super Frelon - Technische Daten / Beschreibung
Die Aérospatiale / Sud-Aviation SA 321 Super Frelon ist ein dreimotoriger mittlerer bis schwerer Tranporthubschrauber mit Wellenturbinen des französischen Herstellers Sud-Aviation, später Aérospatiale, heute EADS and Eurocopter. Die Super Frelon wurde…
Leichtathletik - Rekorde Männer - Kugelstoßen
Leichtathletik - Kugelstoßen Männer - Weltrekordentwicklung, Entwicklung der deutschen Rekorde, Die Besten aller Zeiten
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