110 Ergebnisse für: 36,40
Nineteenth-Century British Music Studies - Peter Horton - Google Books
Selected from papers given at the third biennial conference on Music in Nineteenth-Century Britain, this volume, in common with its two predecessors, reflects the interdisciplinary character of the topic. The introductory essay by Julian Rushton…
Populism in Western Europe: Comparing Belgium, Germany and The Netherlands - Teun Pauwels - Google Books
Despite the increasing academic interest in populism, we still lack understanding of individual factors contributing to populist voting. One of the main reasons for this is that populism is almost always attached to other ideologies which makes it…
Research Analytics: Boosting University Productivity and Competitiveness ... - Google Books
The growth of machines and users of the Internet has led to the proliferation of all sorts of data concerning individuals, institutions, companies, governments, universities, and all kinds of known objects and events happening everywhere in daily life.…
The New Violent Cartography: Geo-Analysis after the Aesthetic Turn - Google Books
This edited volume seeks to propose and examine different, though related, critical responses to modern cultures of war among other cultural practices of statecraft. Taken together, these essays present a space of creative engagement with the political and…
Safety and Reliability of Bridge Structures - Google Books
Recent surveys of the U.S. infrastructures condition have rated a staggering number of bridges structurally deficient or functionally obsolete. While not necessarily unsafe, a structurally deficient bridge must be posted for weight and have limits for…
Sounds of the Borderland: Popular Music, War and Nationalism in Croatia ... - Catherine Baker - Google Books
Sounds of the Borderland is the first book-length study of how popular music became a medium for political communication and contested identification during and after Croatia's war of independence from Yugoslavia. It extends existing cultural studies…
Property and Social Resilience in Times of Conflict: Land, Custom and Law in ... - Daniel Fitzpatrick, Andrew McWilliam - Google Books
Peace-building in a number of contemporary contexts involves fragile states, influential customary systems and histories of land conflict arising from mass population displacement. This book is a timely response to the increased international focus on…
Islam Outside the Arab World - Ingvar Svanberg, David Westerlund - Google Books
Today about 85 per cent of the world population of Muslims live in areas outside the Arab world, and due to population growth, missionary endeavours and migration, the number of Muslims in these areas is rising rapidly. This volume presents the spread and…
Tradition, Democracy and the Townscape of Kyoto: Claiming a Right to the Past - Christoph Brumann - Google Books
As the historic capital of the country and the stronghold of the nation’s most celebrated traditions, the city of Kyoto holds a unique place in the Japanese imagination. Widely praised for the beauty of its townscape and natural environments, it is both a…
Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece - Google Books
Examining every aspect of the culture from antiquity to the founding of Constantinople in the early Byzantine era, this thoroughly cross-referenced and fully indexed work is written by an international group of scholars. This Encyclopedia is derived from…