886 Ergebnisse für: Atoms
N Nitrogen - Reinhard Haubold, Peter Merlet, Claudia Heinrich-Sterzel, Astrid Wietelmann, Ulrike Ohms-Bredeman, Carol Strametz - Google Books
This volume deals with binary nitrogen-hydrogen compounds having two, three, or more nitrogen atoms (with the exception of hydrazine) and with compounds composed of nitrogen, hydrogen, and noble gases. The important species containing two nitrogen atoms,…
The Measure of the Universe - Isaac Asimov - Google Books
Briefly presents the comparative dimensional scale from atoms to the universe for length, area, volume, mass, density, pressure, time, speed, and temperature.
Atombau: Das Schalenmodell
Auf dieser Seite wird das Schalenmodell des Atoms ausführlich und schülergerecht erklärt. Zielgruppe sind Schüler der Stufe 8 (Gymnasium)
Google Scholar
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Multiple Bonds between Metal Atoms - Google Books
ince the second edition of this book there has been so much published in the ? eld that Stwo points seemed clear. One was a sense that a new, up-to-date monograph was needed. The other was the reluctance of two or even three people to undertake the…
Orbitalmodell der Chemie
Das Orbitalmodell des Atoms beschreibt Atome als von Elektronenwolken umgebene Kerne. Damit ist es das Modell, das die modernen Erkenntnisse der Quantenmechanik am besten wiedergibt.
2D Monte-Carlo-Simulation of Cu atoms - YouTube
44 randomly distributed Cu atoms (hard spheres) in two dimensions (2D) are relaxed unsing attractive potentials and a Monte-Carlo-Method. The steps of the at...
Who's who in Atoms - Google Books
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STM 3D scanning animation with Blender (1st hq test) - YouTube
An atomically sharp tip of a Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) is modeled and animated with Blender. The 3D model shows the atoms (surface: gold (111), tip...
EyeWire, A Game to Map the Brain from MIT - YouTube
Subscribe for brain videos: http://goo.gl/eo8XoQ Play a game to map the brain at http://eyewire.org/ Humans can skydive from space; image atoms and go faster...