1,314 Ergebnisse für: Gases

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    This book covers classical kinetic theory of gases, presenting basic principles in a self-contained framework and from a more rigorous approach based on the Boltzmann equation. Uses methods in kinetic theory for determining the transport coefficients of…

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    Contents: Hydrides, Chemistry of Nitrosyls and Carbonyls, Passivity and Corrosion, Noble Gases, Their Compounds and Clathrates, Carbides and Nitrides.

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    Sediment Dynamics als Buch von Senapathi Venkatramanan, Vorfilterpatrone, Sediment- und Grobfilter 1 mikron, Natural Gases in Marine Sediments als Buch von, Carbonit, AquaAvanti-Inline Untertischfilter-Set, INL-4, Grundsystem mit SCI-99 Sediment, …

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    Contents: Hydrides, Chemistry of Nitrosyls and Carbonyls, Passivity and Corrosion, Noble Gases, Their Compounds and Clathrates, Carbides and Nitrides.

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    Giebel, Wieland: Dvd: Alles über Berlin - All About Berlin (Dvd), Gaea Excursoria Germanica als Buch von Christoph G. Giebel, Lifetime Kunststoff Gerätehaus Makro 605x244 cm, Arctic Permafrost and Greenhouse Gases als Buch von Michael Giebels, Giebel /…

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    Mark Richardson examines how greenhouse gases intensify the greenhouse effect and busts the myth that our atmosphere is "saturated." Subtitles available: ENG...

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    Bill Ruddiman's talk summarizes evidence that early agriculture emitted sufficient amount of greenhouse gases (CO2 and CH4) to reverse natural downward trend...

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    Druckenergie, Bezeichnung für den Ausdruck ED = pV (p: Druck, V: Volumen, etwa eines Gases). Die Druckenergie entspricht der Arbeit, die ein Gas…

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    Mark Richardson examines how greenhouse gases intensify the greenhouse effect and busts the myth that our atmosphere is "saturated." Subtitles available: ENG...

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    Gase im Leben - Gase und Gasetechnologien im Alltag

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