30 Ergebnisse für: cclviii
Conze, Alexander [Hrsg.]: Die attischen Grabreliefs (Band II, Text) (Berlin, 1900)
Conze, Alexander [Hrsg.]: Die attischen Grabreliefs (Band II, Text); Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg (ub@ub.uni-heidelberg.de)
Brass Music of Black Composers: A Bibliography - Google Books
Aaron Horne provides the most comprehensive guide to brass music written by black composers. He covers composers from around the world in the 19th and 20th centuries. Included in the book is biographical information; commission, duration, instrumentation,…
Fundamentals of Powder Diffraction and Structural Characterization of ... - Vitalij Pecharsky, Peter Zavalij - Google Books
A little over ?ve years have passed since the ?rst edition of this book appeared in print. Seems like an instant but also eternity, especially considering numerous developments in the hardware and software that have made it from the laboratory test beds…
Neutron and X-ray Spectroscopy - Google Books
Scientific research involving neutrons or synchrotron radiation is performed in large experimental installations at a few sites around the world. Taking full advantage of such techniques requires a wide range of specialized expertise not found in any…
Origins of Neuroscience: A History of Explorations Into Brain Function - Stanley Finger - Google Books
With over 350 illustrations, this impressive volume traces the rich history of ideas about the functioning of the brain from its roots in the ancient cultures of Egypt, Greece, and Rome through the centuries into relatively modern times. In contrast to…
Conze, Alexander [Hrsg.]: Die attischen Grabreliefs (Band II, Text) (Berlin, 1900)
Conze, Alexander [Hrsg.]: Die attischen Grabreliefs (Band II, Text); Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg (ub@ub.uni-heidelberg.de)
Probleme/Projekte/Prozesse: Wegbereiter der Industrialisierung
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Name Reactions: A Collection of Detailed Reaction Mechanisms - Jie Jack Li - Google Books
The second edition includes five points of improvement: (a) Additional 16 name reactions have been supplemented; (b) I have corrected typos and a few dubious mechanisms in the first edition. I wish to thank Prof. Rick L. Danheiser of Massa chusetts…
Science and Civilisation in China: Chemistry and chemical technology ... - Rose Kerr, Joseph Needham, Nigel Wood - Google Books
How were Chinese pots made, glazed and fired? Why did China discover porcelain more than one thousand years before the West? What are the effects of China's influence on world ceramics? These questions and many more are answered in this…
The Princeton Companion to Mathematics - Google Books
This is a one-of-a-kind reference for anyone with a serious interest in mathematics. Edited by Timothy Gowers, a recipient of the Fields Medal, it presents nearly two hundred entries, written especially for this book by some of the world's leading…