620 Ergebnisse für: dozen

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    Arnsberg/Germany: Künstler Stuart Styron gründet offiziell eigenes Record Label "A Leaving Reality Production". Tonträger wie CD & Vinyl gehören vorderrangig zum Vertrieb. Die Erstauflage von 500 CD Tonträgern erfolgt am 15. Dezember. Albumt ...

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    Check out the latest Nindies Showcase video, featuring more than a dozen independent games coming to Nintendo eShop on the Nintendo Switch system in 2018! Go...

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    "Liberian Girl" features three dozen actors, musicians and celebrities in a humorous "behind-the-scenes" look at the set of a Michael Jackson short film. Dir...

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    The author of more than a dozen books, Dr. Sowell is now a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. In his newest work, Intellectuals and Society, he will di...

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    Action on Armed Violence shines a spotlight on twelve of the worst explosive weapons in use in Syria today. The ODAB-500 PM is a fuel-air explosive bomb, als...

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    Das neue Live-Album vom Ray Anderson und Marty Ehrlich Quartet sprüht vor Einfallsreichtum und Spielfreude.

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    The history of Essex has a wicked side - episodes of murder and villany run through it. In this compelling book, Donnelley has selected a dozen of the most revealing and disturbing cases.

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    Haunted Theaters comprises more than two dozen suspenseful stories of spooky happenings and ghostly tales in historic theaters, opera houses, and other stages in the United States (Broadway and beyond), Canada, and England.

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    DOCK 11 / EDEN ist Teil der vielfältigen und internationalen Tanzszene und verbindet räumlich und strukturell in der Regel voneinander getrennte Bereiche unter einem Dach: Produktion, Pädagogik und Präsentation. Diese Verbindung führt bei Künstlern,…

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    Since 1991 more than a dozen new land-locked states have emerged to be confronted with the geostrategic problems of access and communications. Contributors present the implications of land-lockedness and the historical development of trade routes.

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