46 Ergebnisse für: erasing
Stolen Sacred Stone Returns To Venezuela - YouTube
Venezuela's Pemon People Reclaim Sacred Kueka Stone Stolen by German Artist https://videosenglish.telesurtv.net/video/718495/stolen-sacred-stone-returns-to-v...
The Politics of Public Memory in Turkey - Google Books
In 1923, the newly founded Turkish Republic committed to a modernist future by erasing the memory of its Ottoman past. Now, almost eighty years after the establishment of the Republic, the grandchildren of the founders have a different relationship with…
It feels pretty good when the President of the United States has your back. Twitter: https://twitter.com/PrisonPlanet Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Paul...
BREAKING! Lavrov: Swiss Lab Certifies Skripals Were Poisoned With Nerve Gaz From NATO Arsenals - YouTube
Subscribe to Vesti News https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa8MaD6gQscto_Nq1i49iew?sub_confirmation=1 Sergey Lavrov comments on the gas used to poison the Skri...
Ukraine: Female activists protest with flowers and patriotism - YouTube
A colourful flashmob took place in front of Ukraine's presidential administration building, blocked by Berkut riot police units Sunday morning. Female activi...
Inside the Lao Gai - China - YouTube
Oct 2005 The Lao Gai are the largest gulags of our times, providing the slave labour helping to propel China's economy. Rare images smuggled out reveal the b...
DAO hacked, Ethereum crashing in value - Business Insider Deutschland
This is huge.
Yau Wai-ching refers to "People's Re-fu*king of Chee-na" at Hong Kong LegCo oath taking - YouTube
LegCo Sec. rejects oaths of 3 incoming lawmakers as one refers to ‘People’s Ref**king of Chee-na’ FULL STORY: https://www.hongkongfp.com/2016/10/12/legco-sec...
The History of the Mongol Conquests - J. J. Saunders - Google Books
The Mongol conquests, culminating with the invasion of Europe in the middle of the thirteenth century, were of a scope and range never equaled. These nomadic peoples from central Asia briefly held sway over an empire that stretched across Asia to the…
From the DMZ Into the Hermit Kingdom - Inside North Korea (Part 1/3) - YouTube
Vice founder Shane Smith managed to get into North Korea after a year and half of trying and is witness to the craziness of this hermit nation. Crazy is actu...