540 Ergebnisse für: handed

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    Here is a rare copy of a special record that was handed out at Lowes Theaters. Metro Goldwyn Mayer Label. Singing in the rain. Alot of you know this song as ...

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    Juho Saaristo FIN 109.42 GOLD Väinö Siikaniemi FIN 101.13 SILVER Urho Peltonen FIN 100.24 BRONZE

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    * How can sprinter Usain Bolt break his world record without running any faster?* Why do high-jumpers use the Fosbury Flop? * What's the best strategy for taking penalties in football? * What statistical advantage do left-handed boxers have over their…

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    The propagation of light in dispersive media is a subject of fundamental as well as practical importance. In recent years attention has focused in particular on how refractive index can vary with frequency in such a way that the group velocities of optical…

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    A year after the bloody clashes at Port Said's soccer stadium, people in the harbour town are horrified at the Draconian punishments that have been handed down to individuals who continue to deny any involvement in the riots. Karim El-Gawhary reports from…

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    Excellent survey of origins, tenets, and substance of Islam explores Mohammed's influence on religion, history, politics, and society. Comprehensive, even-handed; one of the finest volumes available in English about Islam. "should be studied by…

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    WEDO Safety Cutter »Standard«, rot, herlitz Bastelschere Design, rund, Länge: 132 mm, PENTEL Gel-Tintenroller »EnerGel XmRT BL80«, grün, Eagletone Thunderp Lefty Noire, STANLEY STHT0-10193 Sicherheitsmesser Cuttermesser Teppich Messer 165mm,

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    Kleist, Heinrich von: Die große Dramenbox (Audio-CD), Geomarketing in der Praxis, Die Gentleman bitten zur Kasse als Hörbuch CD von Henry Kolarz, Sándor Ferenczy, Chancen auf Frieden im Nahen Osten? als eBook Download von Benjamin Tappert, Endlich…

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    Riegler Kugelhahn valve line, Pendelleuchte Valve, Sea To Summit Inflatable Paddle Float Yellow, Camelbak Trinkflasche Thermo-/Isolierflasche Forge Divide 473 ml Trinkflaschenfarbe - Violet, Trinkflaschenvolumen - 0,5 Liter,, Klean Kanteen…

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