576 Ergebnisse für: metre
Lee Kang-Seok - 500m long track speed skating world record - YouTube
South Korean Lee Kang-Seok broke the world record in the 500-metre race at the world speedskating championships in Salt Lake City Friday, with a time of 34.2...
800m WR:Tommy Hampson-1932 OG,Los Angeles - YouTube
Running in the 1932 Olympic Games in LA Hampson became Great Britain's fourth straight 800 metre Champion,but went one better than Hill and Lowe before him b...
Horizontal Falls, Talbot Bay, Western Australia - YouTube
The Horizontal Falls are in the remote are that are the Kimberleys' in North West Western Australia. The falls are the result of 7 to 8 metre tides being cha...
Women's Heptathlon Day 1 Highlights - London 2012 Olympics - YouTube
Highlights from day 1 of the women's heptathlon as the shot put and 200m metre events take place at the London 2012 Olympic Games. Subscribe to the Olympic c...
12 metre world cup | Flensburg
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? Munich 1972 4 x 400m relay [Kenya] (Amateur Footage) - YouTube
The US had the three best 400 metre runners in München. The 400 had been won by [Vince Matthews], who had opened the 4x400 for the US in 1968, with [Wayne Co...
My Vertical World: Climbing the 8000-metre Peaks - Jerzy Kukuczka - Google Books
My Vertical World is the story of a quiet family man from Silesia who was also a single-minded schemer, sailing close to the bureaucratic wind in Poland as well as Pakistan and Nepal, painting factory chimneys and thinking of Lhotse, juggling for most of…
Freiburg im Breisgau hat ein fünf Linien umfassendes meterspuriges Straßenbahnnetz von 33,8 km Streckenlänge. Die Bilder stammen vom Winter 2019. Freiburg im Breisgau has a metre-gauge tram network with five lines. The network length is 33.8 km. Pics are…
square meters in hectare - Google-Suche
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Nordhausen Straßenbahn tram
Die meterspurige Straßenbahn in der 42.000 Einwohner zählenden Stadt Nordhausen hat auch eine Verbindung zur Harzer Schmalspurbahn, die im Dieselbetrieb befahren wird. Nordhausen, a city with some 42.000 inhabitants, has a metre-gauge tramway network…