52 Ergebnisse für: namai

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    site.title - Outgoing Vilnius Mayor Artūras Zuokas, of the Lithuanian Freedom Union (Liberals) (LLS), says that his defeat in Vilnius mayoral election will only push him to venture into national politics. Zuokas says that we will run for presidency in…

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    DELFI - Rugsėjo 11-13 d. “Litexpo” parodų centre vyksiančioje tarptautinėje parodoje “Baltijos tekstilė ir oda”, AB “Trys sezonai” pristatys pirmąją įmonės istorijoje trikotažo gaminių kolekciją. Taip pat “Baltijos tekstilė ir oda” bus pirmasis renginys,…

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    site.title - Famous Lithuanian singer and poet Stasys Povilaitis passed away in the morning of 6 October after a serious illness at the age of 69.

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    site.title - Liberal Movement leader Eligijus Masiulis is withdrawing from the party leader‘s position and renouncing his parliamentary mandate after Lithuania‘s anti-fraud police raided his home and launched a probe into allegations he received a €100,000…

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    site.title - The Lithuanian parliament has ratified the treaty establishing the European Stability Mechanism. The agreement was signed by the euro area countries in Brussels in 2012 and amended in 2014.

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    Joey DeMaio speaks, among other topics, about the 'Battle Hymns 2011' November tour, the new studio album, and a revolutionary new invention that will change...

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    DELFI - lithuanian business, economy and stock news lietuvos ir užsienio ekonomikos, vertybinių popierių rinkos ir verslo naujienos.

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    site.title - According to European Parliament member Antanas Guoga, who has become the temporary leader of the Liberal Movement following the potential bribery scandal that prompted Eligijus Masiulis to step down, Masiulis may not have been the only person…

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    site.title - Lithuania will open talks with German manufacturers over to purchase Boxer infantry fighting vehicles (IFV) for the country's military, the State Defence Council (VGT) decided on Friday.

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    site.title - The Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) proposes Milda Vainiutė, a law professor at the Mykolas Romeris University, for the post of justice minister in the new coalition government, outgoing Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius said on…

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