44 Ergebnisse für: sophie's
The White Rose: Munich, 1942-1943 - Inge Scholl - Google Books
The White Rose tells the story of Hans Scholl and Sophie Scholl, who in 1942 led a small underground organization of German students and professors to oppose the atrocities committed by Hitler and the Nazi Party. They named their group the White Rose, and…
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Nordbayerischer-Kurier.de » Augustinum-Mitgründerin Gertrud Rückert ist tot
MÃNCHEN. Die Mitgründerin des Münchner Augustinums und Pionierin des Freiwilligen Sozialen Jahres, Gertrud Rückert, ist tot. Die Witwe des Augustinum-Gründers Georg Rückert und Trägerin des Bayerischen Verdienstordens sei am Samstag im Alter von 94…
MCON: vid#5: On the Breakup of "On Our Backs" - YouTube
#5: SUSIE BRIGHT & TRISTAN TAORMINO @ MOMENTUM: "Making Waves in Sexuality, Feminism & Relationship Through New Media." Washington, DC, 4/3/11. http://susieb...
Mia's Welt - Offizielle Homepage von Mia-Sophie Wellenbrink - Froop Fruchtalarm Müller-Milch Werbespot
Offizielle Homepage von Mia-Sophie Wellenbrink - bekannt aus dem Froop Fruchtalarm Werbespot von Müller-Milch
War and Remembrance - "Selection" Scene at Auschwitz-Birkenau - YouTube
One of the first films to be filmed on location in Birkenau. The opening scene of the train approaching Birkenau is exactly the view we got when we marched w...
Women in Mathematics - Lynn M. Osen - Google Books
Mathematicians, science historians, and general readers will find this book a lively history; women will find it a reminder of a proud tradition and a challenge to take their rightful place in academic life today. The colorful lives of these women, who…
White Rose History, Volume I [Academic Version]: Coming Together (January 31 ... - Ruth Hanna Sachs - Google Books
Like White Rose History Volume I (Regular Edition, ISBN 0-9710541-4-2), this book tells the complete story of how the students who came to be known as the White Rose decided to resist Hitler and the crimes of the Nazi Party. Unlike most extant literature,…
Schauspieler Karlheinz Hackl ist tot | Boulevard
Wien - Karlheinz Hackl war Publikumsliebling am Wiener Burgtheater und spielte in Film und Fernsehen. Nun ist Hackl im Alter von 65 Jahren gestorben.