183 Ergebnisse für: tehom
DEVILYN - www.voicesfromthedarkside.de
DEVILYN: You can easily forget about the two first offerings from this Polish four piece, because "Artefact" is truly a new departure for them. New label, new line-up (with main man Nowy still leading the troops) and a better mastering in the song writing…
BURIED GOD - www.voicesfromthedarkside.de
BURIED GOD: Thuringian Death / Thrashers BURIED GOD's debut assault is a valuable release for anyone who likes it the raw and aggressive old school way and digs bands like DESASTER, SITHLORD or old DECEASED. Unfortunately there are quite a lot of bands…
NECROMESSIAH - www.voicesfromthedarkside.de
NECROMESSIAH: What would you expect from a band claiming to be influenced by such legends as VENOM, SODOM, CARPHATIAN FOREST, IMPALED NAZARENE, CELTIC FROST / HELLHAMMER, MOTÃRHEAD and the likes? Pure mayhem? Fuck yeah! These shitheads have been around…
ARKHON INFAUSTUS - www.voicesfromthedarkside.de
ARKHON INFAUSTUS: The release of this album was delayed due to the extreme cover and booklet inlay concept, centered around satanized sadistic and drug related themes. But in the end, only the music matters and unfortunately ARKHON INFAUSTUS fail to offer…
PSYCHOPATHIC TERROR - www.voicesfromthedarkside.de
PSYCHOPATHIC TERROR: Proving once again that all you need in this life is perseverance and a heart of pure hate to survive in these times of Metal. From the Finnish wasteland of Tampere - a duo now emerge - an aeon since the buried ashes of underground…
ATARAXY - www.voicesfromthedarkside.de
ATARAXY: Where the hell are all these great old school bands coming from? Although one could truly speak of a trend of old school Death Metal I'm really impressed by the immense quality and high class of the majority of those young bands. Sure they don't…
WÃMIT ANGEL - www.voicesfromthedarkside.de
WÃMIT ANGEL: Jesus is dead. Satan rules now and forever. The whip is warm by the fresh blood and sodomy is near. The Finnish goat suckers and bearers of inverted crosses WÖMIT ANGEL are here too, throwing their 13-track debut full-length record…
CARPE TENEBRUM - www.voicesfromthedarkside.de
CARPE TENEBRUM: I have never really liked the use of a drum machine on Death Metal releases and that is one of the first things that strikes me when I listen to this release. It's not only the fact that it is not a real drummer, it is simply the sound that…
BLOOD INCANTATION - www.voicesfromthedarkside.de
BLOOD INCANTATION: After having a brisk and live-affirming breakfast to which “Interdimensional Extinction” was my background melody, I can't say more besides this is a descent Death Metal record. It contains a pool of nice ideas. But it doesn't go…
ROK - www.voicesfromthedarkside.de
ROK: I never really cared for Australia's SADISTIK EXEKUTION (well, "The Magus" would probably be an exception to the rule here...), as I always considered them too chaotic and noisy, with too little highlight songs to remember. So, for obvious reasons I…