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Polytechnisches Journal
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Algebraic Quotients. Torus Actions and Cohomology. The Adjoint ... - A. Bialynicki-Birula, J. Carrell, W.M. McGovern - Google Books
This is the second volume of the new subseries "Invariant Theory and Algebraic Transformation Groups". The aim of the survey by A. Bialynicki-Birula is to present the main trends and achievements of research in the theory of quotients by actions of…
Kleben: Grundlagen, Technologien, Anwendungen - Gerd Habenicht - Google Books
Das Kleben gilt in der industriellen Fertigung als unverzichtbare Variante zu den stoffschlüssigen Fügeverfahren Schweißen und Löten. Der Stand dieser Technologie wird in dem bewährten Fachbuch, das bisher in fünf Auflagen erschienen ist, dargestellt. In…
The Prominent Families of the United States of America - Google Books
Of the three great Burke's volumes produced on American families, this one is generally thought to be the most authoritative. Hundreds of pedigrees are included, each beginning with the living subject and showing his descent from the earliest known…
DFG-Viewer: Beschreibung der Gesundbrunnen und der Schwefelbäder zu Eilsen in der Grafschaft Schaumburg
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The Middle Paraná River: Limnology of a Subtropical Wetland - Martin H. Iriondo, Juan César Paggi, María Julieta Parma - Google Books
1 2 2,3 MARTÍN H. IRIONDO , JUAN CÉSAR PAGGI , AND MARÍA JULIETA PARMA 2 The great Paraná basin (2,600,000 km) covers a large portion of the Neotropical Realm, extending from the Andes to the Atlantic coast and c- necting the central regions of South…
Biological Invasions in New Zealand - Google Books
Man’s recent colonization of New Zealand has dramatically altered the resident biota and resulted in the introduction of numerous alien organisms to these once remote islands. In reverse, there is increasing evidence of a lesser known export of species to…
50-jährige Erfolgsgeschichte des Kanu-Rennsports im Potsdamer Luftschiffhafen - Kanu Club Potsdam (KCP) im Olympischen Sportclub
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