258 Ergebnisse für: andalus
Love Songs from Al-Andalus: History, Structure, and Meaning of the Kharja - Otto Zwartjes - Google Books
"Love Songs from al-Andalus" presents an updated survey of the debates concerning Andalusian strophic poetry and their "Kharja"s. Attention is focused on the texts themselves and their literary implications as testimonies of the multicultural and…
Love Songs from Al-Andalus: History, Structure, and Meaning of the Kharja - Otto Zwartjes - Google Books
"Love Songs from al-Andalus" presents an updated survey of the debates concerning Andalusian strophic poetry and their "Kharja"s. Attention is focused on the texts themselves and their literary implications as testimonies of the multicultural and…
Love Songs from Al-Andalus: History, Structure, and Meaning of the Kharja - Otto Zwartjes - Google Books
"Love Songs from al-Andalus" presents an updated survey of the debates concerning Andalusian strophic poetry and their "Kharja"s. Attention is focused on the texts themselves and their literary implications as testimonies of the multicultural and…
Love Songs from Al-Andalus: History, Structure, and Meaning of the Kharja - Otto Zwartjes - Google Books
"Love Songs from al-Andalus" presents an updated survey of the debates concerning Andalusian strophic poetry and their "Kharja"s. Attention is focused on the texts themselves and their literary implications as testimonies of the multicultural and…
The Battle of Zallaqa
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Muwaššah, Zajal, Kharja: Bibliography of Eleven Centuries of Strophic Poetry ... - Google Books
This book is a comprehensive bibliography of publications on strophic poetry and music which originated in the urbanized society of al-Andalus in the 9th century and spread over the Iberian Peninsula, Southern France, North Africa, Egypt and the Near East.…
Muslime, Juden und Christen nebeneinander: In Spanien hat das unter arabischer Herrschaft funktioniert
Im Sommer 711 begann die arabische Herrschaft in Spanien. Sie schuf eine Kultur, in der Muslime, Juden und Christen zueinander fanden. Gehört der Islam zu Europa? Gehören Moscheen neben Kirchen? Oder müssen wir uns abschotten, den Bau von Minaretten…
Spiegelwelten:Universumsfußballmeisterschaft 2012 – Stupidedia
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Wolfgang Hartung: Die Spielleute im Mittelalter. Gaukler, Dichter, Musikanten - Perlentaucher
Sie waren gern gesehene Gäste an den Fürstenhöfen und in den Städten: fahrende Sänger, Tänzer und Tänzerinnen, Possenreißer und Akrobaten. Kein Hochzeitsfest, kein Bankett, keine...