27 Ergebnisse für: craster

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    Career: barr; memb Inner Temple; former: pres Durham Union Soc, chm Durham Univ Cons Assoc; Parly candidate (Cons) Middlesbrough 1974; MP (Cons): Gainsbo...

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    Career: asst master Tonbridge Sch 1961-63, Clifford Norton jr research fell The Queen's Coll Oxford 1965-66, prof of history of science Lancaster Univ 1987-88...

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    Career: human rights lawyer SA 1954-65; admin dir Abbey Life Assurance plc 1966-70, dep chm (formerly dir and md) Allied Dunbar Assurance plc 1971-91; chm: ...

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    Career: clerical offr DHSS Central Office Newcastle 1978-80, founded Viz Magazine 1979, ed Viz 1979-99, student Newcastle Coll of Arts 1981-82, set up House o...

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    Career: clerical offr DHSS Central Office Newcastle 1978-80, founded Viz Magazine 1979, ed Viz 1979-99, student Newcastle Coll of Arts 1981-82, set up House o...

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    The Peerage A peer of the realm is someone who holds one (or more) of five possible titles (duke, marquess, earl, viscount, baron) inherited from a direct ancestor or bestowed upon him by the monarch.

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    Career: Myers and Co Stock Exchange; called to the Bar Middle Temple (jr Harmsworth exhibitioner); J Henry Schroder Wagg 1977-79, Dunbar Group Ltd 1980-85 (di...

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