555 Ergebnisse für: curves
Category:Curves – Wikimedia Commons
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Maria Gaetana Agnesi – Wikimedia Commons
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Introduction to Elliptic Curves and Modular Forms - Neal Koblitz, Neal I. Koblitz - Google Books
This textbook covers the basic properties of elliptic curves and modular forms, with emphasis on certain connections with number theory. The ancient "congruent number problem" is the central motivating example for most of the book. My purpose is to make…
Events | Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte
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Category:Illustrations for curvature and torsion of curves – Wikimedia Commons
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TIB AV-Portal
Wissenschaftliche Filme aus Technik, Architektur, Chemie, Informatik, Mathematik, und Physik
Elliptic Curves, Modular Forms, and Their L-functions - Alvaro Lozano-Robledo - Google Books
Many problems in number theory have simple statements, but their solutions require a deep understanding of algebra, algebraic geometry, complex analysis, group representations, or a combination of all four. This book is an introduction to some of these…
Helioseismology, Asteroseismology, and MHD Connections - Google Books
This collection of papers offers a timely snapshot of helio- and asteroseismology in the era when SOHO/MDI instrument is about to be replaced by SDO/HMI and when the CoRoT space mission is yielding its first long-duration light curves of thousands of…
An Algebraic System of Conic Sections, and Other Curves - John Martin Frederick Wright - Google Books
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