2,364 Ergebnisse für: lxx

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    "Twenty-five years after it first appeared, Jellicoe's classic work is still one of the most comprehensive introductions to the Septuagint and cognate studies. Its completeness makes it valuable not only as a textbook, but also as a reference tool for…

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    "Twenty-five years after it first appeared, Jellicoe's classic work is still one of the most comprehensive introductions to the Septuagint and cognate studies. Its completeness makes it valuable not only as a textbook, but also as a reference tool for…

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    "Twenty-five years after it first appeared, Jellicoe's classic work is still one of the most comprehensive introductions to the Septuagint and cognate studies. Its completeness makes it valuable not only as a textbook, but also as a reference tool for…

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    "Twenty-five years after it first appeared, Jellicoe's classic work is still one of the most comprehensive introductions to the Septuagint and cognate studies. Its completeness makes it valuable not only as a textbook, but also as a reference tool for…

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    "Twenty-five years after it first appeared, Jellicoe's classic work is still one of the most comprehensive introductions to the Septuagint and cognate studies. Its completeness makes it valuable not only as a textbook, but also as a reference tool for…

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    Qualität im Gottesdienst als Buch von, Franz von Assisi. Zur Flamme werden als eBook Download von Gütersloher Verlagshaus, Andere Gottesdienste als Buch von, Konfessionelle Ambiguität als Buch von, Vernetzte Vielfalt als Buch von,

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    " ... The creation and propagation of a critical text of the LXX/OG has been a basic concern in modern scholarship. The two great text editions begun in the early 20th century are the Cambridge Septuagint and the Gt̲tingen Septuagint, each with a 'minor…

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    " ... The creation and propagation of a critical text of the LXX/OG has been a basic concern in modern scholarship. The two great text editions begun in the early 20th century are the Cambridge Septuagint and the Gt̲tingen Septuagint, each with a 'minor…

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