771 Ergebnisse für: neutron

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    Mit Helium-3 als Brennstoff gäbe es all diese Probleme nicht. Sein Kern enthält zwei Protonen, aber nur ein Neutron. Zwei Fusionsreaktionen sind möglich: die Verschmelzun...

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    Jimmy Neutron - Der mutige Erfinder - Film, USA, 2001 - Regie: John A. Davis - Handlung: Schrumpfstrahlen, ein wild gewordener Hüpfball, eine Laserzahnbürste oder einer eigenwilliger Robotfriseur -...

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    Written by authors with an international reputation, acknowledged expertise and teaching experience, this is the most up-to-date resource on the field. The text is clearly structured throughout so as to be readily accessible, and begins by looking at…

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    Erlebt eine rasante Fahrt mit der ganzen Familie

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    Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft ICI

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    Scientific research involving neutrons or synchrotron radiation is performed in large experimental installations at a few sites around the world. Taking full advantage of such techniques requires a wide range of specialized expertise not found in any…

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    Scientific research involving neutrons or synchrotron radiation is performed in large experimental installations at a few sites around the world. Taking full advantage of such techniques requires a wide range of specialized expertise not found in any…

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    Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.

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    Neutron scattering is one of the most effective ways to obtain information on both, the structure and the dynamics of condensed matter. A wide scope of problems, ranging from fundamental to solid state physics and chemistry, and from materials science to…

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