395 Ergebnisse für: seti
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Andreas Linneweber und Tim Lüking bilden eine Gruppe für seti@home. Und das ist nur eines von vielen Dingen, die sie gemeinsam machen.
Humans to Near Earth Asteroids - Paul Abell (SETI Talks) - YouTube
SETI Talks archive: http://seti.org/talks Recently the current U.S. presidential administration directed NASA to include near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) as desti...
Mission to Apophis - David Morrison (SETI Talks) - YouTube
SETI Talks Archive: http://seti.org/talks Near Earth Asteroids (NEAs) are interesting to both planetary scientists and those who are concerned about protecti...
Willkommen - Sagenhafte Zeiten
Das Ziel der A.A.S. - Forschungsgesellschaft für Archäologie, Astronautik und SETI - ist es, einen anerkannten Beweis für ehemalige Besuche von Ausserirdischen auf unserer Erde zu erbringen.
ZDB-Katalog - Detailnachweis: New scientific times...
ZDB Zeitschriftendatenbank
Seti-Projekt - Suche nach Aliens abgebrochen - Wissen - Süddeutsche.de
Das Seti-Institut hat wegen Geldmangels den Betrieb des Allen-Radioteleskops in Nordkalifornien eingestellt. Mit dem Teleskop haben die Forscher den Weltraum auf außerirdische Signale abgehorcht.
Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CETI) - Google Books
In April 2010, fifty years to the month after the first experiment in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), scholars from a range of disciplines including astronomy, mathematics, anthropology, history, and cognitive science gathered at NASA…
Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CETI) - Google Books
In April 2010, fifty years to the month after the first experiment in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), scholars from a range of disciplines including astronomy, mathematics, anthropology, history, and cognitive science gathered at NASA…
Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CETI) - Google Books
In April 2010, fifty years to the month after the first experiment in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), scholars from a range of disciplines including astronomy, mathematics, anthropology, history, and cognitive science gathered at NASA…
Sentinel B612 Telescope - Finding Asteroids Before They Find Us - Ed Lu (SETI Talks) - YouTube
SETI Talks archive: http://seti.org/talks B612 website: http://b612foundation.org We know how to deflect asteroids, but our technology is useless if we do no...