7,108 Ergebnisse für: spacex
Zum Mond, zur Freiheit - brand eins online
Elon Musk hat sich das nötige Startkapital im Internet verdient. Nun will er mit seiner Firma SpaceX das Weltall erobern. Die Geschichte eines...
Making Life Multiplanetary - YouTube
On September 29th at the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Adelaide, Australia, SpaceX CEO and Lead Designer Elon Musk provided an update to his ...
Making Life Multiplanetary - YouTube
On September 29th at the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Adelaide, Australia, SpaceX CEO and Lead Designer Elon Musk provided an update to his ...
VC Steve Jurvetson resigns from DFJ amid harassment investigation - Business Insider Deutschland
Jurvetson resigned from Draper Fisher Jurvetson and is taking a leave from the boards of Tesla and SpaceX amid an investigation into sexual harassment
Raketen-Recycling: Eine Frage des Preises | Technology Review
SpaceX ist es nach viel Mühe gelungen, eine Raketenstufe heil zurück zur Erde zu bringen. Die Frage ist nun, wie wirtschaftlich das ist.
StartmeupHK Venture Forum - Elon Musk on Entrepreneurship and Innovation - YouTube
Elon Musk, CEO of Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) and Tesla Motors, Inc, talks about Tesla Motors in Hong Kong, sustainable solutions for Mainland Ch...
Making Life Multiplanetary - YouTube
On September 29th at the International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Adelaide, Australia, SpaceX CEO and Lead Designer Elon Musk provided an update to his ...
First Private Passenger on Lunar Starship Mission - YouTube
SpaceX has signed the world’s first private passenger to fly around the Moon aboard our Starship launch vehicle - an important step toward enabling access fo...
Next SpaceX mission to ISS previewed - YouTube
On September 19 a press briefing at Kennedy Space Center featuring NASA senior leaders and representatives from SpaceX, previewed the Space X CRS-4 mission, ...
SpaceX: Falcon Heavy erfolgreich gestartet | ZEIT ONLINE
Die Trägerrakete der Firma SpaceX hat von Florida aus einen Tesla ins All geschossen. Zwei der wiederverwertbaren Raketenteile sind heil gelandet. Eins wird vermisst.