553 Ergebnisse für: zedong
The Writings of Mao Zedong, 1949-1976: January 1956-December 1957 - Zedong Mao - Google Books
This collection of the correspondence of Mao Zedong during the period 1956 to 1957 explores the question of legitimatizing the leadership of the CCP, the pace of the socialist transformation of China's economy, and the issue of the divergence of…
Jiang Qing – Wikimedia Commons
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The Writings of Mao Zedong, 1949-1976: January 1956-December 1957 - Zedong Mao - Google Books
This collection of the correspondence of Mao Zedong during the period 1956 to 1957 explores the question of legitimatizing the leadership of the CCP, the pace of the socialist transformation of China's economy, and the issue of the divergence of…
IGCS - Full-text Databases (China WWW VL - Internet Guide for Chinese Studies)
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Podcastreihe "Rote Sekretäre" | lernen-aus-der-geschichte.de
In einer täglichen Serie stellt DRadio Wissen ab 1. Dezember 15 Sekretäre kommunistischer Parteien vor. Vor rund 20 Jahren, an Weihnachten 1991, verkündete der damalige KPdSU-Generalsekretär und sowjetische Staatspräsident Michail Gorbatschow seinen…
Mao.co.de - Ihr Mao Shop
Bahia Steel Repinique And Cuica Cover 8x23 Cm, Was Mao Really a Monster? als eBook Download von, Mao Acrylglasbild, PRODUKT Mao Hemd, Mao,
China Under Mao - Andrew G. Walder - Google Books
China’s Communist Party seized power in 1949 after a long guerrilla insurgency followed by full-scale war, but the revolution was just beginning. Andrew Walder narrates the rise and fall of the Maoist state from 1949 to 1976—an epoch of startling…
CDU-Wahlplakat: Merkel wird Mr. Burns und Mao Zedong nicht los
In die Kontroverse um das Riesen-CDU-Wahlplakat am Berliner Hauptbahnhof schalten sich Spaßvögel mit Bildmontagen im Internet ein. Die Hände der Kanzlerin werden dabei mit dem Oberkörper bekannter Fieslinge aus Fernsehserien und Kinohits kombiniert.
OGND - results/titledata
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Mao's Road to Power - Revolutionary Writings, 1912-1949: The Pre-Marxist ... - Zedong Mao, Stuart R. Schram - Google Books
Revolution in its Leninist guise has been a dominant force in the world for most of the 20th century, and the Chinese revolution has been, with the Russian revolution, one of its two most important manifestations. Mao Zedong, the architect of victory in…