329 Ergebnisse für: 20wdt
Dⓐniel Mietchen auf Twitter: "Map of schools where virtual twins (people with identical dates for both birth and death) were educated. #SPARQL query: https://t.co/rr2t9ibzZh Background: https://t.co/U1UvfCN3rM #Wikidata… https://t.co/1xOuTZSwr6"
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Eugene Agbor auf Twitter: "just Woke up from sleep and decided to write a @wikidata #query on the Entertainment industry in Africa. Just say that @WikimediaCM has a topic for their next edit-a-thon. Surprisingly just 10(artists/songwriters/musicians) have been covered on @wikidata. https://t.co/vXAdPJeUUe… https://t.co/FWoHuvdC0J"
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VIGNERON Nicolas auf Twitter: "#dataviz mégalithes du monde sur @Wikidata par type ; on repère de jolis motifs types par zones https://t.co/RvFId1mOw6"
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WikidataFacts auf Twitter: "Werner Heisenberg was the first Nobel Prize winner who was born after Alfred Nobel’s death. https://t.co/7spF5DV5hW"
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WikidataFacts auf Twitter: "My solutions: • simple version https://t.co/8kN1ktIa23 • with labels https://t.co/QYS3ZAf4ha… "
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WikidataFacts auf Twitter: "people born furthest from their place of education: https://t.co/II0rkZiirP – top result: New Zealand naval officer Ian Monro, who trained at the Britannia Royal Naval College."
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WikidataFacts auf Twitter: "timeline of people named Karl born in Karlsruhe: https://t.co/iLdjdNRe4v… "
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Data Value Strategy auf Twitter: "Place of worship all over the world #wikidata https://t.co/j3yHnP6rFu"
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VIGNERON Nicolas auf Twitter: "@wikidata dit 27 couleurs (dont du beau bullshit sémantique) https://t.co/E7AQa9T3SB… "
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WikidataFacts auf Twitter: "Selection of early #womensart: https://t.co/kwy4VSwGBY (100 of the earliest 1000 works created by women on @wikidata with an image on @WikiCommons)… https://t.co/Qx55kFYEP2"
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