91 Ergebnisse für: Herds
Elefanten Zoo Krefeld, Juli 2009 - YouTube
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
The Kazaks of China: Essays on an Ethnic Minority - Linda Benson - Google Books
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Ring-billed Gull Foot-paddling - YouTube
Recorded on the beach in Milford, CT. Several gulls were paddling in the shallow water with their feet at low tide. Blog post about this video: http://woodsw...
Tiere in Westschweden - YouTube
Angriffslustige Fluss-Seeschwalben, Seehund-Babies, Elche
Spiedo con allodole.mpg - YouTube
Tradition, Season, and Change in a Turkish Village - John F. Kolars - Google Books
Contents: Antalya Vilayet and the regional setting; The villages of the Boga Cay area; The village and its farm units: Bahtili; Village functional organization: Bahtili; External village connections: Bahtili; Variations in village agriculture: Akdamlar and…
Biotopwildpark Anholter Schweiz - YouTube
Kleiner Familienausflug in die Anholter Schweiz. Dieser 1892 vom damaligen Anholter Fürsten eingeweihte Biotopwildpark erstreckt sich über eine Fläche von 56...
Montagu's Harrier (Female). Croft Pascoe. The Lizard. Cornwall. 26/04/2014 - YouTube
This female Montagu's Harrier was found at Croft Pascoe on The Lizard. These elegant raptors no longer breed in Cornwall and are only seen in the county duri...
Welcome to Yazd - YouTube
The history of the town dates back to more than 2,500 years ago. Today in this town side by side with moslems a few tens of thousands of zoroastrians are living