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Adult1,352 Ergebnisse für: adults
Plodia interpunctella – Wikimedia Commons
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Diabetes in Childhood and Adolescence (02.03.2018)
The often-quoted adage, attributed to Jean Piaget, that children are not just little adults applies in full force to children and adolescents with diabetes. It provides an apt introductory motto for the German pediatric-diabetological guidelines,...
Muscicapa striata – Wikimedia Commons
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Review: Dengeki Bunko: Fighting Climax
Teenagers are in a strange point in their lives. No longer children, but not quite yet adults, adolescents exist in an uncomfortable grey area, a metamorphic state that compels them to forge identities independent of their guardians while s...
Hyperkinetische Störungen(HKS)Aufmerksamkeitsdefizitsyndrom
Aktuelle Infos und Links zu neuesten wissenschaftlichen Informationen
The Investigation and Differential Diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome in Adults (08.11.2013)
Scientific and public interest in the autism spectrum disorders (ASD) has risen greatly over the last 20 years. According to the most recent epidemiological studies, the prevalence of ASD has climbed to about 1% and is thus comparable to that of...
Physical Fitness, Weight, Smoking, and Exercise Patterns in Young Adults (02.11.2012)
The great technical advances and wealth of recent decades have led to historically unique changes in the living conditions and lifestyles of entire populations (1–3). In developed countries, people have easy access to cheap and abundant foods every...
The Art of My Neighbor Totoro - Hayao Miyazaki - Google Books
An in-depth look at the concept and watercolor artwork of the film "My Neighbor Totoro," the story of children who discover a new world in a tree trunk inhabited by magical creatures called Totoros, which can't be seen by adults.
Willkommen beim Zentralen Register für Vorsorgevollmachten (ZVR), Betreuungsverfügungen und Patientenverfügungen | Bundesnotarkammer – Zentrales Vorsorgeregister
Das Zentrale Vorsorgeregister (ZVR) ist die Registrierungsstelle für private sowie notarielle Vorsorgevollmachten, Betreuungsverfügungen und Patientenverfügungen aus dem ganzen Bundesgebiet.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adult ADHD: An Integrative Psychosocial and ... - J. Russell Ramsay, Anthony L. Rostain - Google Books
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Adult ADHD: An Integrative Psychosocial and Medical Approach has been revised, updated, and expanded for this second edition and remains the definitive book for clinicians seeking to treat adults with ADHD. Clinicians will…