1,329 Ergebnisse für: muslims
Imaan LGBTQI (@ImaanLGBTQ) | Twitter
Die neuesten Tweets von Imaan LGBTQI (@ImaanLGBTQ). Est.1999, we are an award-winning volunteer-led charity for and by LGBTQI Muslims. Journalists: DM us with any enquiries. United Kingdom
Muslim Political Participation in Europe - Jorgen Nielsen - Google Books
To what extent are Muslims in Europe integrated? Muslims are increasingly making themselves noticed in the political process of Europe. But what is happening behind the often sensational headlines? This book looks at the processes and realities of Muslim…
Bürger mit Turban: Muslime in Delhi im 19. Jahrhundert - Margrit Pernau - Google Books
This book looks into the world of Delhi's Muslims in the 19th century and investigates the importance different identities - social, cultural, religious, gender - had for their self-perception. German text.
Bürger mit Turban: Muslime in Delhi im 19. Jahrhundert - Margrit Pernau - Google Books
This book looks into the world of Delhi's Muslims in the 19th century and investigates the importance different identities - social, cultural, religious, gender - had for their self-perception. German text.
Jews, Muslims and Mass Media: Mediating the 'Other' - Google Books
This text looks at the ways in which Jews, Muslims and the conflict between them has been covered in the modern media. Both Jews and Muslims generally receive a 'bad press'. This book will try to reveal why. The media have clearly played a…
Muslim and Christian Contact in the Middle Ages: A Reader - Google Books
To study the interactions between Muslims and Christians in the medieval period is to observe a history of conflict and co-existence encompassing warfare, piracy, and raiding as well as commerce, intellectual exchanges, and personal relationships that…
"Innocence of Muslims": Schauspielerin verklagt Schmähfilm-Produzenten und Google - Politik - Tagesspiegel
Cindy Lee Garcia spielte mit in einem vermeintlichen "Abenteuerfilm aus dem alten Ägypten", der zum Schmähfilm "Innocence of Muslims" wurde. Jetzt erhält sie Morddrohungen - und will eine einstweilige Verfügung gegen den Film erwirken.
Muslims in Spain, 1500 to 1614 - L. P. Harvey, L P Harvey, M.A., D.Phil. - Google Books
On December 18, 1499, the Muslims in Granada revolted against the Christian city government's attempts to suppress their rights to live and worship as followers of Islam. Although the Granada riot was a local phenomenon that was soon contained, subsequent…
Taliban bekennen sich | Politik | DW | 06.10.2009
Die Taliban haben sich zu dem Anschlag auf das Büro des Welternährungsprogramms mit mindestens fünf Toten bekannt. Die Organisation "sei nicht im Interesse der Muslims tätig". Die UN schlossen alle Büros in Pakistan.
Islam and Liberal Citizenship: The Search for an Overlapping Consensus - Andrew F. March - Google Books
How can Muslims be both good citizens of liberal democracies and good Muslims? This is among the most pressing questions of our time, particularly in contemporary Europe. Some argue that Muslims have no tradition of separation of church and state and…