49 Ergebnisse für: prozoot
The Vamp - Oriental Fox -Trott & Theda Bara slideshow...1919 - YouTube
The Vamp (Oriental Fox-Trot) - Waldorf-Astoria Dance Orchestra with Irving & Jack Kaufman, Columbia 1919 ---------------------------------- "The Vamp" of the...
My heart is longing for you, Darling - Ben Berlin Orch. - 1930 - YouTube
(Liebling mein Herz lässt Dich grüssen) from the talkie "The three fellows from the tankplace" Ben Berlin Dance Orchestra Polydor Mechan. Copr 1930 Made in G...
Jaroslav Jezek Orchestr "Já Nedelam" 1929 - YouTube
This band was wonderful even in the late 1920s. One of the best versions of "Singing in the rain" I know.
Paul Godwin: Der Akrobat (Robrecht) 1932 - YouTube
GRAMMOPHON 24447B, Matr.Nr.4263 1/2 BR3. "Der Akrobat" - Charakteristisches Tanz-Intermezzo (Robrecht). Paul Godwin Künstlerorchester
O Katharina, Fox Trot- Carl Fenton´s Orchestra 1925 - YouTube
From the play" Balieff's 'Chauve-Souris' here we have this fun and rithmycal tune , great for dancing and have some fun. I hope you enjoyed it!
Juan Llossas - San Francisco - YouTube
Im Gegensatz zu den Aufnahmen auf Tri Ergon und Electrola klingt das Orchester von Juan Llossas 1938 nicht mehr ganz so modern. Das heißt aber nicht daß die ...
Herbert Glad: Shepherd of the hills (1927) - YouTube
TRI-ERGON Colorit 3180, Matr. 0509. "Shepherd of the hills" - Foxtrott (Horatio Nicholls). Kapelle Herbert Glad
1920s Music - Sam Lanin's Dance Orchestra - Where Is My Meyer? @Pax41 - YouTube
1920s music Sam Lanin's Dance Orchestra - Where Is My Meyer? Regal 8421-A recorded 10/20/1927 Vocal by Harold Scrappy Lambert music is from "Chauve Souris"
Putting on the Ritz - Original 1930 Movie Sequence High Quality.wmv - YouTube
The original 1930 movie footage of Irving Berlin's world-famous song, sung by Harry Richman, from the film of the same name.
Paul Godwin Tanzorchester "Ich muss Dich lieben" 1929 - YouTube
Leo Monosson mit einem schmelzenden Tango aus der Operette Ich betrüg Dich nur aus Liebe mit Musik von Ralph Erwin. A tango from the 1929 operetta with music...