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Die Euro-Gruppe - Consilium
Die Euro-Gruppe ist ein informelles Gremium, in dem die Ministerinnen und Minister der Länder des Euro-Währungsgebiets zusammenkommen, um Fragen betreffend den Euro zu erörtern.
Women Know Everything!: 3,241 Quips, Quotes, & Brilliant Remarks - Karen Weekes - Google Books
WIT AND WISDOM FROM A TO Z With more than 3,000 quotations on everything from fashion and feminism to men, marriage, friendship, history, technology, sports, and more, this massive compilation proves once and for all that women know everything! Each page…
Die Entgrenzung der Kunstgeschichte - Veranstaltungskalender - Verband Deutscher Kunsthistoriker
Im Jahr 1962 veröffentlichte der amerikanische Kunsthistoriker George Kubler den theoretischen Essay „The Shape of Time. Remarks on the History of Things“. Darin entwickelte er ein strukturalistisches Modell einer Historiographie von Kunst, das die…
Sequoiadendron giganteum description
Description of Sequoiadendron giganteum (giant sequoia).
Upstream Metropolis: An Urban Biography of Omaha and Council Bluffs - Lawrence Harold Larsen - Google Books
"Being a man, like being a woman, is something you have to learn," Aaron Raz Link remarks. Few would know this better than the coauthor of What Becomes You , who began life as a girl named Sarah and twenty-nine years later began life anew as a…
TIB AV-Portal,+Won+Soon%22
Wissenschaftliche Filme aus Technik, Architektur, Chemie, Informatik, Mathematik, und Physik
Obamas Nobelpreis-Rede, 11.12.2009 (Friedensratschlag)
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Gus Hall - Google-Suche
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Opening Remarks: Privacy and Publicity | Interactive 2010 | SXSW - YouTube
The SXSW Interactive Festival is very excited that danah boyd served as the Opening Speaker for the 2010 event. One of the world's foremost authorities on so...
Form and Function: Remarks on Art, Design, and Architecture - Horatio Greenough - Google Books,%20Form%20and%20Function:%20Remarks%20on%20Art&hl=de
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