1,477 Ergebnisse für: vast
Fashion: The Collection of the Kyoto Costume Institute : a History from the ... - Kyoto Costume Institute, Akiko Fukai - Google Books
Showcasing a vast selection of skilled photographs from the Kyoto Costume Institute's archives, depicting the clothing expertly displayed and arranged on custom-made mannequins, the book covers the last three centuries of clothing trends.
Sara Seager (@ProfSaraSeager) | Twitter
Die neuesten Tweets von Sara Seager (@ProfSaraSeager). Prof. Seager is an astrophysicist and planetary scientist at MIT. A pioneer in the vast world of exoplanets, she's on a quest for the holy grail: another Earth. Cambridge, MA
The Innermost Kernel: Depth Psychology and Quantum Physics. Wolfgang Pauli's ... - Suzanne Gieser - Google Books
The publication of W. Pauli's Scientific Correspondence by Springer-Verlag has motivated a vast research activity on Pauli's role in modern science. This excellent treatise sheds light on the ongoing dialogue between physics and psychology.
The Turkic Languages - Google Books
The Turkic languages are spoken today in a vast geographical area from the Balkans to the Arctic Ocean and from South Iran to China. There are currently twenty languages in the group, the most important being Turkish. This is the first reference book to…
Ramesside Inscriptions, Translated and Annotated Translations: Ramesses II ... - K.A. Kitchen - Google Books
This edition based on the hieroglyphic texts of the Ramesses Age of Ancient Egypt (c.1300-1100 BC) presents a modern English translation of the vast majority of historical sources for this important epoch of Egyptian history.
Pavel Kroupa - The vast polar structures around the Milky Way and Andromeda - YouTube
Heidelberg Joint Astronomical Colloquium
European Film Music - Google Books
The vast majority of writing on film music is concentrated on Hollywood in particular and on a canon of North American scores and films more generally. Recent scholarship acknowledges other traditions of film scoring but little has been written about Euro
A Country of Vast Designs: James K. Polk, the Mexican War and the Conquest ... - Robert W. Merry - Google Books
A New York Times Bestseller and New York Times Notable Book Robert Merry's brilliant and highly acclaimed history of a crucial epoch in U.S. history—the presidency of James K. Polk, "our most underrated president" (Walter Isaacson, author of Einstein).In a…
The Palgrave Dictionary of Anglo-Jewish History - Google Books
This authoritative and comprehensive guide to key people and events in Anglo-Jewish history stretches from Cromwell's re-admittance of the Jews in 1656 to the present day and contains nearly 3000 entries, the vast majority of which are not featured in any…
The London Games Festival: A week of gaming celebration sounds good to me
I'm sure many of my countrymen have heard by now about the London Games Festival, a week-long event that celebrates our favorite past-time in the capital of this rotten island. Running from the 22nd to the 26th of October, a vast range of e...