114 Ergebnisse für: botton
Category:Maria Feodorovna (Sophie Dorothea of Württemberg) – Wikimedia Commons
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How economic inequality harms societies | Richard Wilkinson - YouTube
http://www.ted.com We feel instinctively that societies with huge income gaps are somehow going wrong. Richard Wilkinson charts the hard data on economic ine...
The Putnam-Rorty Debate and the Pragmatist Revival - YouTube
http://phillipmcreynolds.com http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB829FFA42FEDF2C0 American Pragmatism was, if not dead, at least on life support until rev...
Weichtier.co.de - Ihr Weichtier Shop
Krebse, Spinnentiere, Tausendfüßer, Weichtiere, Moostierchen, Armfüßer, Stachelhäuter und Manteltiere als eBook Download von Ludwig Böhmig, Pulpo, klein, Die geheimnisvolle Welt der Schnecken (Tischkalender 2020 DIN A5 hoch), Tomatensauce mit…
Slim Hopes: Advertising & the Obsession With Thinness - YouTube
http://www.mediaed.org Jean Kilbourne's award-winning video offers an in-depth analysis of how female bodies are depicted in advertising images and the devas...
Keynote by Judy Wajcman – Keynote Capture All_Work - YouTube
Introduction: Kristoffer Gansing Moderation: Carolin Gerlitz With Judy Wajcman, Tiziana Terranova A double-keynote on the dilemmas of post-digital labour and...
I Didn't Do It Cast Best Friends Quiz - YouTube
More interviews with the IDDI Cast►► http://youtu.be/O43tbYA7Oic For more ClevverTV shows ►► http://ow.ly/ktrcX Joslyn Davis put the cast of "I Didn't Do It"...
Wiki-wisdom for cultural institutions. Tried and tested formats for GLAMs - YouTube
by Barbara Fischer, Marcus Cyron, Raimond Spekking
Sir Michael Marmot - Conversations with History - YouTube
(Visit: http://www.uctv.tv) Sir Michael Marmot, head of the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health and Director of the International Center for Health ...
Nick Hanauer on inequality - YouTube
Hey, wasn't this talk "banned"? Nope -- and in fact, if you want more than this short talk, watch Nick Hanauer deliver an expanded, updated version -- with n...