165 Ergebnisse für: genji
Art of the DUCKOMENTA - YouTube
Der Katalog zur Ausstellung - ein Überblick über das Gesamttwerk der Künstler der Gruppe 'interDuck'
Electric Spinning Wheel Demo - YouTube
See http://www.glacialwanderer.com/hobbyrobotics/?p=79 for details on how to build your own electric spinning wheel.
K-tel "E-Z Tracer" commercial - YouTube
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Nils-Frederking: Folding Chairs - YouTube
Nils-Frederking's design for folding chairs which he demonstrated in the 2007 Salone Satellite exhibit.
Japanese Culture - H. Paul Varley - Google Books
For nearly three decades Japanese Culture has garnered high praise as an accurate and well-written introduction to Japanese history and culture. This widely used undergraduate text is now available in a new edition. Thoroughly updated, the fourth edition…
Siebold-Museum - Deutsch-Japanisches Forum Würzburg | Ausstellungen Retrospektive
Homepage des Siebold Museums sowie der Siebold Gesellschaft in Würzburg.Deutsch-Japanisches Forum Würzburg
Olărit - YouTube
Georgeta Popa, soţia olarului Constantin Popa, se îndeletniceşte cu olăritul de când s-a căsătorit. Ea se ocupă cu decorarea obiectelor, iar soţul ei de mode...
Pâte de Verre - YouTube
This is another casting technique that—like glassblowing—only works with glass. Whereas glassblowing was invented around 50 B.C., pâte de verre is a process ...
Advanced documentation methods in studying Corinthian black-figure vase painting - YouTube
Poster: ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/328967377_Advanced_Documentation_Methods_in_Studying_Corinthian_Black-Figure_Vase_Painting Aca...
Zhou Gui Zhen 1a - YouTube
Part 1a of an Yixing Teapot demonstration by Mrs. Zhou Gui Zhen from Dingshan.