491 Ergebnisse für: solids
Quantum Chemistry of Solids: LCAO Treatment of Crystals and Nanostructures - Robert A. Evarestov - Google Books
Quantum Chemistry of Solids delivers a comprehensive account of the main features and possibilities of LCAO methods for the first principles calculations of electronic structure of periodic systems. The first part describes the basic theory underlying the…
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics: A Ready-reference Book of Chemical ... - David R. Lide - Google Books
This student edition features over 50 new or completely revised tables, most of which are in the areas of fluid properties and properties of solids. The book also features extensive references to other compilations and databases that contain additional…
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics: A Ready-reference Book of Chemical ... - David R. Lide - Google Books
This student edition features over 50 new or completely revised tables, most of which are in the areas of fluid properties and properties of solids. The book also features extensive references to other compilations and databases that contain additional…
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics: A Ready-reference Book of Chemical ... - David R. Lide - Google Books
This student edition features over 50 new or completely revised tables, most of which are in the areas of fluid properties and properties of solids. The book also features extensive references to other compilations and databases that contain additional…
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics: A Ready-reference Book of Chemical ... - David R. Lide - Google Books
This student edition features over 50 new or completely revised tables, most of which are in the areas of fluid properties and properties of solids. The book also features extensive references to other compilations and databases that contain additional…
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics: A Ready-reference Book of Chemical ... - David R. Lide - Google Books
This student edition features over 50 new or completely revised tables, most of which are in the areas of fluid properties and properties of solids. The book also features extensive references to other compilations and databases that contain additional…
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics: A Ready-reference Book of Chemical ... - David R. Lide - Google Books
This student edition features over 50 new or completely revised tables, most of which are in the areas of fluid properties and properties of solids. The book also features extensive references to other compilations and databases that contain additional…
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics: A Ready-reference Book of Chemical ... - David R. Lide - Google Books
This student edition features over 50 new or completely revised tables, most of which are in the areas of fluid properties and properties of solids. The book also features extensive references to other compilations and databases that contain additional…
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics: A Ready-reference Book of Chemical ... - David R. Lide - Google Books
This student edition features over 50 new or completely revised tables, most of which are in the areas of fluid properties and properties of solids. The book also features extensive references to other compilations and databases that contain additional…
Thermal Decomposition of Ionic Solids: Chemical Properties and Reactivities ... - A.K. Galwey, M.E. Brown - Google Books
The principal objective of this book is to stimulate interest in research that will extend available theory towards a greater understanding of the steps involved in solid-state decompositions and the properties of solids that control reactivities. Much of…