2,672 Ergebnisse für: failed
India & Israel’s Barak-8 SAM Development Project(s)
Over a development timeline measured in decades, India's indigenous "Akash" and "Trishul" programs for surface to air missiles have failed to inspire full confidence. Trishul was eventually canceled entirely. Akash had a a long, difficult
Fatal error: Connecting to MySQL server 'localhost' failed.
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The suppression of human behavioral genetics by the Radical Left
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"Der Jemen ist ein 'failed state'" | ARTE Info
Die Islamwissenschaftlerin und Politologin Mareike Transfeld ist Spezialistin für den Jemen auch bei der Stiftung Politik und Wissenschaft in Berlin. Wir haben sie zum Bürgerkrieg und der Intervention der internationalen Koalition im Jemen befragt.
Venezuela – noch Demokratie oder bereits Diktatur? - Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen e.V.
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Fatal error: Connecting to MySQL server 'localhost' failed.
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Review: Overwatch
Blizzard is not a conventional AAA developer, even after being merged with Activision. When its massive MMO project codenamed Titan failed internally, resulting in a cancellation, it would have made sense for Blizzard to move on. Instead, t...
The European Struggle to Settle North America: Colonizing Attempts by ... - Margaret F. Pickett, Dwayne W. Pickett - Google Books
This history of early European colonial efforts in North America (specifically, the portion north of Mexico and the Caribbean) examines why three colonies-St. Augustine, Jamestown and Québec-succeeded where many before them had failed. Chapters cover…
SatTrackCam Leiden (b)log: Fuel dump of Zuma's Falcon 9 Upper Stage observed by a Dutch pilot over east Africa (and rumours that Zuma failed)
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