316 Ergebnisse für: acted

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    Star of Bedroom Farce and Glengarry Glen Ross, Derek Newark acted in the very first episode of Doctor Who. From the army to RADA to the National Theatre and Broadway, this is the story of the rise and fall of a talented actor brought down by booze and bad…

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    Frederic von Rosenberg (1874–1937) served as a foreign services diplomat in several different functions and was for a short time even Foreign Minister in the cabinet of Chancellor Cuno. The biography of this conservative diplomat impressively shows how…

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    In this book Joachim Latacz turns the spotlight of modern research on the much-debated question of whether the wealthy city of Troy described by Homer in the Iliad was a poetic fiction or a memory of historical reality. Earlier excavations at the hill of…

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    Deals with those embassy and consular workers throughout German-occupied Europe who, through granting visas to Jews or obtaining consular protection for them, rescued thousands of lives. Most of these diplomats acted contrary to their governments' policies…

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    19 Monate lang war der Brite David Haines in der Gewalt der Terrormiliz IS, dann ermordeten ihn seine Geiselnehmer vor laufender Kamera. Wer war der Mann, der sein Leben der humanitären Arbeit verschrieben hatte?

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