1,256 Ergebnisse für: cern
Experimental study of single-vertex $(e^{-}-e^{+})$ pair creation in a crystal - CERN Document Server
This experiment will study the newly predicted process of $e^{-}-e^{+}$ pair production by high energy photons incident along major axial direction of a single crystal. This process is based upon the well-known channeling properties of negatively charged…
Study of final states in deep inelastic muon scattering - CERN Document Server
The aim of this experiment is to study the different possible final states in deep inelastic muon scattering from hydrogen in connection with the detection of the scattered muon in a forward spectrometer (Experiment NA2).\\ \\ A vertex detector will be…
Super Proton Synchrotron marks its 25th birthday - CERN Document Server
Letter of Intent for the Phase-II Upgrade of the ATLAS Experiment - CERN Document Server
This Letter of Intent presents a plan for preserving and improving the current detection capabilities of the ATLAS detector to meet the challenges and take advantage of operating at the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). From 2024, the HL-LHC will provide…
Category:CERN – Wikimedia Commons
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CERN Schwarzes Loch
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Schneller als das Licht? - science.ORF.at
Scheinbar überlichtschnelle Teilchen verblüffen derzeit die Physiker am europäischen Teilchenforschungszentrum CERN bei Genf. Sogenannte Neutrinos, ultraleichte Elementarteilchen, scheinen in einem Experiment rund 0,02 Promille schneller zu fliegen als das…
Large Hadron Collider - Google-Suche
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Study of unexplained hard photon production by electrons channelled in a crystal - CERN Document Server
Our preceding experiment (NA33) designed to study the pair creation process in the interaction of high energy $\gamma$ with a crystal in alignment conditions had revealed the existence of an unexpected peak in the radiation of 150 GeV e$^{-}$ beam for…