189 Ergebnisse für: hides
Drama and Power in a Hunting Society: The Selk'nam of Tierra Del Fuego - Anne Chapman - Google Books
The Selk'nam people, now virtually extinct, are a classic example of hunting societies. The book is based on the author's field work among the last surviving 'pure' Selk'nam, as well as an exhaustive review of the previous literature.
"two-row notation" - Google-Suche
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Relic.co.de - Ihr Relic Shop
The Relic Library als Buch von Unknown Author, The Relic - Der Rattengott auf DVD, Fender 1951 Nocaster Journeyman Relic Faded Blonde, The Great War Relic als Buch von Charles L. Cummings, Cedric Burnside - Benton County Relic (CD),
Dentition.co.de - Ihr Dentition Shop
Kieferorthopädische Frühbehandlung in der Praxis, Dentition and Its Derangements als Buch von Abraham Jacobi, Pulp Therapy In Primary Dentition als Buch von Subhasis Malakar, Sathyajith Naik.N, Swati Tripathi, Anomalies of the Developing Dentition als…
The Medieval Castle in England and Wales: A Political and Social History - Norman J. G. Pounds - Google Books
This original and pioneering book examines the role of the castle in the Norman conquest of England and in the subsequent administration of the country. The castle is seen primarily as an instrument of peaceful administration which rarely had a garrison…
Liber Eliensis - Google Books
This is the first ever translation from Latin into English of an important source for English and ecclesiastical history. The Liber Eliensis is an account of the history of the Isle of Ely compiled by a monk of Ely monastery in the later twelfth century.…
AnimalBase :: Limax maximus species homepage
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Mahogany Glider - Dr Steve van Dyck - YouTube
Dr Steve van Dyck talks about his search in northern Queensland to find populations of the endangered possum, the Mahogany Glider. Interested in a career in ...
To Get Worms Out of Soil, Just Grunt - YouTube
Spend some time with expert worm grunters deep in the Florida Panhandle forest. The technique is used to catch earthworms for bait. (June 11)
Inzest-Prozess: Fritzl muss lebenslänglich in psychiatrische Anstalt - WELT
Urteil im "Jahrhundertprozess": Der Inzest-Täter Josef Fritzl ist wegen Mordes zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt worden. Außerdem wird er in eine Anstalt für geistig abnorme Rechtsbrecher eingewiesen. Zum Abschluss des Prozesses meldete sich zum ersten Mal…