216 Ergebnisse für: kurds
Joshua Landis auf Twitter: "Kurds - "Henry Jackson Society does it again: problems with their latest report on the PYD" - A fine article by Meghan Bodette @mjb____ We need more like this explaining how "Think Tanks" & "experts" can serve as guns-for-hire to skew history. https://t.co/v1GBShlz1S"
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Kurden.co.de - Ihr Kurden Shop
Kampf um den Berg der Kurden, Menschen aus der Geschichte der Kurden, Dictionnaire bilingue français - kurde, Rav Vast Drum B Kurd, Die Kurden - ein Volk in drei Nationen,
Civil War in Syria: Mobilization and Competing Social Orders - Adam Baczko, Gilles Dorronsoro, Arthur Quesnay - Google Books
In 2011, hundreds of thousands of Syrians marched peacefully to demand democratic reforms. Within months, repression forced them to take arms and set up their own institutions. Two years later, the inclusive nature of the opposition had collapsed, and the…
The Associated Press auf Twitter: "AP has deleted two tweets that referred to Turkish airstrikes on Islamic State forces in Afrin, Syria. Turkey's prime minister said the strikes targeted IS along with Kurdish forces, but IS is not known to have a presence in the city. A new tweet is coming."
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East and West of Zagros: Travel, War and Politics in Persia and Iraq 1913-1921 - C. Cecil John Edmonds - Google Books
C.J. Edmonds published articles in orientalist journals and co-authored with Taufiq Wahby " A Kurdish-English dictionary" (Oxford, 1966). He published his memoirs of Iraq, Kurds, Turks, and Arabs: politics, travel and research in North-Eastern Iraq,…
East and West of Zagros: Travel, War and Politics in Persia and Iraq 1913-1921 - C. Cecil John Edmonds - Google Books
C.J. Edmonds published articles in orientalist journals and co-authored with Taufiq Wahby " A Kurdish-English dictionary" (Oxford, 1966). He published his memoirs of Iraq, Kurds, Turks, and Arabs: politics, travel and research in North-Eastern Iraq,…
Category:Kurdish people – Wikimedia Commons
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East and West of Zagros: Travel, War and Politics in Persia and Iraq 1913-1921 - C. Cecil John Edmonds - Google Books
C.J. Edmonds published articles in orientalist journals and co-authored with Taufiq Wahby " A Kurdish-English dictionary" (Oxford, 1966). He published his memoirs of Iraq, Kurds, Turks, and Arabs: politics, travel and research in North-Eastern Iraq,…
Kurdenkonflikt | bpb
Die Lage der Kurden ist 2017 komplizierter geworden. In keinem der vier Konfliktländer ist eine baldige Lösung absehbar. Vielmehr zeichnet sich eine erneute Eskalation ab. Denn der Sieg über den Islamischen Staat (IS) könnte zu einem Rückgang der int
Neuer Generalstabschef: Ilker Basbug – er führt das türkische Militär - WELT
Er ist der neuer Mann an der Spitze des türkischen Militärs: Ilker Basbug. Basbug gilt als Hardliner und Ideologe, aber auch als vorsichtig und pragmatisch. Seine Aufgabe ist schwierig, denn das türkische Militär fürchtet um seine Macht. Die von der AKP…