159 Ergebnisse für: urges
Michele Bachmann - YouTube
Wife, mom, foster mom, former tax attorney, small business owner, former Congresswoman.
Creating Knowledge Equity and Spatial Justice on Wikipedia - YouTube
https://wikimania2018.wikimedia.org/wiki/Invited_speakers#Martin_Dittus The world is increasingly digital. Places are layered with data and algorithms that f...
Category:Andrew Mitchell – Wikimedia Commons
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Muslims in Spain, 1500 to 1614 - L. P. Harvey, L P Harvey, M.A., D.Phil. - Google Books
On December 18, 1499, the Muslims in Granada revolted against the Christian city government's attempts to suppress their rights to live and worship as followers of Islam. Although the Granada riot was a local phenomenon that was soon contained, subsequent…
Neue Kämpfe im Südsudan | Euronews
Rund 270 Menschen sind bei den jüngsten Kämpfen in Juba ums Leben gekommen. Die Kämpfe waren am Freitagabend, dem Vorabend des Unabhängigkeitstages des jungen Staats ausgebrochen.
ICRC shocked by human suffering in Yemen - YouTube
Nowhere is safe in Yemen, says Robert Mardini, ICRC’s Regional Director for the near and middle East who is just back from a three day visit to the city of S...
Surfers struggle with huge waves at Lake Huron - YouTube
Surfers at Lake Huron in North America tackled extreme waves and stormy conditions. Local sailor, Bianca Wong, captured the footage on Saturday. Report by Je...
Kommissionspräsident Romano Prodi
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Flüchtlinge auf Manus: Kein Wasser, kein Strom, keine Nahrung - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Kein Wasser, keine Nahrung, kein Strom: 600 Menschen harren noch immer im offiziell geschlossenen Flüchtlingslager auf der Insel Manus aus. Die Uno warnt vor einer humanitären Krise. Menschenrechtler hoffen nun auf: Deutschland.
DAHER Group Confirms Signature of SOCATA Takeover Deal with EADS, with Acquisition of Majority 70% Stake
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