130 Ergebnisse für: verma

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    Rob Fesen from Dartmouth discusses the timeliness of science on airships at the Airships Short Course put on by the Keck Institute for Space Studies.

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    Der Machtkampf in Sri Lanka scheint vorerst beendet: Der im Oktober eingesetzte Premier Mahinda Rajapaksa legt sein Amt nieder. Er hatte im Parlament keine Mehrheit.

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    Professor Wolfgang Kundt gives a short introduction on the complex topic of Astrophysical Jets.

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    Documentary about the 1957 reactor fire in the Windscale plant in England, which released a large amount of radioactive material into the environment.

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    Tigernest oder Taktshang-Kloster ist ein berühmtes Kloster im Königreich BHUTAN auf einer Höhe von 3120 Meter ü.d.M. Erbaut um 1692. Mehrmals abgebrannt und ...

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    To buy DVD dan@balihealer.com. This is a film made by McPetruk in 1938 showing BKS Iyengar practicing Astanga Vinyasa yoga

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    Though a directive principle of the constitution, a uniform civil code of law has never been written or instituted in India. As a result, in matters of personal law -- the segment of law concerning marriage, dowry, divorce, parentage, legitimacy, wills,…

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