206 Ergebnisse für: Pablos
Surfridge and Palisades Del Rey - What Remains - YouTube
Two long abandoned and fenced off housing developments wedged between Los Angeles International Airport and the Pacific Ocean are explored in this episode of...
Peter Stuge: libusb: Maintainer fail - YouTube
In 2010 I was asked by the second maintainer in a row to take over as new maintainer of the libusb project. The first time I had declined. The second time I ...
The Virtual Interview: Edward Snowden - The New Yorker Festival - YouTube
The New Yorker Festival presents Edward Snowden in conversation with Jane Mayer. Still haven’t subscribed to The New Yorker on YouTube? ►► http://bit.ly/newy...
USC Scientist Cracks Mysterious "Copiale Cipher" - YouTube
Visit USC on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/USC/ Learn more about the University of Southern California: https://www.usc.edu USC's Professor Kevin Kni...
ILSE: Joe Saddi, Chairman, Booz & Co - YouTube
Joe Saddi, Chairman of global consulting firm Booz & Co, is more sanguine in his view of the future. "By now I think we've seen the worst," he says, "but it ...
Literature and Languages: On Namdeo Dhasal - An Interview with Malika Amar Shaikh - YouTube
In this interview, Malika Amar Shaikh reminisces about her late husband and fellow poet, Namdeo Dhasal. She speaks about what first drew her to him, his poet...
Richard Stallman | GNU/LAS | s20e10 - YouTube
Richard Stallman joins us to celebrate our 200th episode, and we ask him about his hard stance on proprietary software and the unethical people who make a li...
Pablo.co.de - Ihr Pablo Shop
Garderobenständer Pablo, Wollteppich Pablo Home affaire Collection rechteckig Höhe 11 mm handgewebt, Vitrine »Pablo«, Höhe 180 cm, braun, Hose ´Pablo´, Schaukelesel Pablo,
Letters or Numbers: Alexander Görlach at TEDxBerlin - YouTube
Crossing borders physically, emotionally, culturally, artistically -- all these aspects were widely explored on the 23rd of November by an array of internati...
Kolumbien: Das gruselige Erbe des toten Drogenbarons - WELT
Pablo Escobar beschenkte zu Weihnachten die Kinder nahe seiner Luxusvilla. Der Drogenboss starb später im Kugelhagel der Polizei. Mit der blutigen Geschichte will ein Geschäftsmann Geld verdienen: Er eröffnet auf dem Landsitz Escobars eine Art Jurassic…