2,381 Ergebnisse für: falcon
Falcon-9 Family
Gunter's Space Page - Information on Launch vehicles, Satellites, Space Shuttle and Astronautics
GovSat1 startet im zweiten Versuch: Abgehoben!
Am Mittwochabend gegen 22.30 war es so weit: Der Luxemburger Satellit GovSat1 und seine Trägerrakete Falcon 9 hoben erfolgreich aus Cape Canaveral ab. Im Kontrollzentrum gab es Applaus.
65-nm-Chips sollen Ausfallrate der Xbox 360 verringern | heise online
Ein Redesign der Xbox 360 mit Codenamen "Falcon" soll ab Herbst mit stromsparenderen Chips, die im 65-nm-Prozess gefertigt werden, die "inakzeptabel hohen" Ausfallraten der Konsole verbessern.
Falcon Heavy Test Flight - YouTube
Following its first test launch, Falcon Heavy is now the most powerful operational rocket in the world by a factor of two. With the ability to lift into orbi...
Falcon Heavy | Flight Animation - YouTube
When Falcon Heavy lifts off it will be the most powerful operational rocket in the world by a factor of two. Thrust at liftoff is equal to approximately eigh...
Falcon Heavy Test Flight - YouTube
Following its first test launch, Falcon Heavy is now the most powerful operational rocket in the world by a factor of two. With the ability to lift into orbi...
Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster was the backup payload for Falcon Heavy - Business Insider Deutschland
A former NASA official says SpaceX asked the space agency and the US Air Force if it wanted a free $90 million ride on Falcon Heavy, but both declined.
Falling Back to Earth | HD Footage From Space - YouTube
A GoPro inside a fairing from a recent Falcon 9 flight captured some spectacular views as it fell back to Earth. Footage is played in real time. Music: Blue ...
Falcon 9 - Aktuelle Berichterstattung
Keine Beschreibung vorhanden.
Falcon Alkoholfri Arena - Stadion in Falkenberg
Europlan-Online, hier finden Groundhopper Informationen und Bilder zu Stadien aus Deutschland und aller Welt. Anschriften, Anfahrten, Ligaübersichten, News, Spielpläne und vieles mehr zum Thema Groundhopping.