572 Ergebnisse für: moja
Geschichte Polens im 20. Jahrhundert - W³odzimierz Borodziej - Google Ksi±¿ki
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Europarecht - Rudolf Streinz - Google Ksi±¿ki
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Popular Music: Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies - Google Ksi±¿ki
Popular music studies is a rapidly expanding field with changing emphases and agendas. The music industry has changed in recent years, as has governmental involvement in popular music schemes as part of the culture industry. The distinction between the…
Makers of the Piano: 1820-1860 - Martha Novak Clinkscale - Google Ksi±¿ki
"Fulfilling a need for a comprehensive study of early pianos, Makers of the Piano 1700-1820 is the first book to present details about all known extant pianos built during the earliest years of the instrument's existence. Biographical information about…
Lenin and His Comrades: The Bolsheviks Take Over Russia 1917-1924 - Google Ksi±¿ki
What was the real impact and significance of the October Revolution of 1917? This avowedly revisionist interpretation by a major Russian dissident seeks to place Lenin and those around him in the proper perspective. Since the takeover of Russia was the…
Otwock i okolice: przewodnik - Jacek Ka³uszko - Google Ksi±¿ki
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Stefan Loose Travel Handbuch Kroatien - Martin Rosenplänter - Google Knjige
Kroatien ist ein klassisches Reiseland. Kein Wunder, ist die kroatische Küste doch ein touristisches Paradies mit mehr als tausend vorgelagerten Inseln, kleinen Buchten, imposanten Felsen und Stränden vor türkisleuchtendem Wasser. Dieses Buch wendet sich…
Das Harnack-Prinzip - Google Ksi±¿ki
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OGAE Germany - Der Fanclub zum Eurovision Song Contest>
OGAE Germany - Der Fanclub zum Eurovision Song Contest
The Land Grabbers: The New Fight over Who Owns the Earth - Fred Pearce - Google Ksi±¿ki
How Wall Street, Chinese billionaires, oil sheiks, and agribusiness are buying up huge tracts of land in a hungry, crowded world.An unprecedented land grab is taking place around the world. Fearing future food shortages or eager to profit from them, the…