2,341 Ergebnisse für: Riffs

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    My cover of the song called "Whispers In The Dark" from the album "Comatose" by Skillet. Transcripted by ear. Hope you gonna like it! Feedback is very welcom...

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    SITHLORD: Since the issuing of their first MCD ("Labyrinth To The Gods ", reviewed elsewhere on this site), Australian Thrashers SITHLORD have refined their recipe for power to the point of perfection. One year ago, I already strongly advised you to keep…

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    HELL-BORN: To get a copy of this particular CD proved itself a painful task (thanx to my good friend Philippe Vayssière, a legend in his own right within the Parisian underground, who finally find this for me!) I was so eager to listen to this sophomore…

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    Noch mehr Thrash, noch mehr Selbstbewusstsein!

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    Metal-, Rock- und Gothic-Magazin

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    Review zu Evoken - Antithesis Of Light

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    DEPRIVE: Erun-Dagoth (aka Javier Sixto) is the man behind DEPRIVE, a Spanish one man Death Metal band with two demo tapes and two albums, with "Temple Of The Lost Wisdom" being the sophomore effort so far. And behind this release is the also Spanish label…

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    RUSTED BRAIN: Indeed a nice album title and if you ask me it fits quite well to this energetic outburst of riff-laden old school Thrash Metal. To all experts: don't start this lame retro Thrash discussion anymore. This topic really bores me to death. Of…

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