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Lietuviškų „eurovizinių“ atrankų rengėjai paskelbė stebinančią žinią dėl finalo - DELFI Veidai
DELFI - Iki didžiojo „Eurovizinių“ atrankų finalo liko mažiau nei mėnuo. Intriga auga, o dalyvių kiekvieną šeštadienį lieka vis mažiau. Tiesa, intrigos netrūksta ne tik tarp dalyvių, penktadienio popietę žiniasklaidą į spaudos konferenciją sukvietę atrankų…
Detective Dee und der Fluch des Seeungeheuers, Trailer, DVD, Filmkritik | Filmdienst
Fortsetzung von "Detective Dee und das Geheimnis der Phantomflamme" (2010): Der junge Ermittler versucht im alten China, Mitglied der kaiserlichen Sicherheitstruppe zu werden, und gerät mitten in unruhige Zeiten: Ein Seedrache soll für den Verlust einer…
Database Weightlifting
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Handbook of Physical-Chemical Properties and Environmental Fate for Organic ... - Donald Mackay, Wan-Ying Shiu, Kuo-Ching Ma, Sum Chi Lee - Google Books
Transport and transformation processes are key for determining how humans and other organisms are exposed to chemicals. These processes are largely controlled by the chemicals’ physical-chemical properties. This new edition of the Handbook of…
Database Weightlifting
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Handbook of Physical-Chemical Properties and Environmental Fate for Organic ... - Donald Mackay, Wan-Ying Shiu, Kuo-Ching Ma, Sum Chi Lee - Google Books
CHOICE Award Winner Transport and transformation processes are key for determining how humans and other organisms are exposed to chemicals. These processes are largely controlled by the chemicals’ physical-chemical properties. This new edition of the…
Institut für Sinologie und Ostasienkunde
The Study of Change: Chemistry in China, 1840-1949 - James Reardon-Anderson - Google Books
When Western missionaries introduced modern chemistry to China in the 1860s, they called this discipline hua-hsueh, literally, "the study of change." In this first full-length work on science in modern China, James Reardon-Anderson describes the…