7,618 Ergebnisse für: turks
The Berlin-Baghdad Express - Sean McMeekin - Google Books
The modern Middle East was forged in the crucible of the First World War, but few know the full story of how war actually came to the region. As Sean McMeekin reveals in this startling reinterpretation of the war, it was neither the British nor the French…
The Turk and Islam in the Western Eye, 1450-1750: Visual Imagery Before ... - Google Books
The first book in English to approach the topic in this way, this collection probes the place that the Ottoman Turks occupied in the early modern Western imaginaire, and the ways in which this occupation expressed itself in the visual arts. Individual…
Zukunft braucht Geschichtsklärung: Armenier, Türken und Europa im Schatten des Ersten Weltkriegs/Wanted for the Future – Historical Clarification! Armenians, Turks, and Europe in the Shadow of World War I | H-Soz-Kult. Kommunikation und Fachinformation für die Geschichtswissenschaften | Geschichte im Netz | History in the web
Das Symposium in Basel hat eindrücklich den Beweis erbracht, dass sich wissenschaftliche Geschichtsforschung nicht zwangsläufig im Elfenbeinturm abspielen muss. Gewiss, wenn sich Historiker mit dem sensiblen Thema des Völkermordes an den Armeniern…
Lepanto 1571: The Greatest Naval Battle of the Renaissance - Angus Konstam - Google Books
For much of the 16th century the Mediterranean was a battleground between Christians and Muslims. In August 1571, an Ottoman fleet of some 235 galleys encountered the slightly smaller Christian fleet of the Holy League. In a five hour melee the Christians…
Kaimaninseln.de - Ihr Kaimaninseln Shop
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The Last Centuries of Byzantium, 1261-1453 - Donald M. Nicol - Google Libri
The Byzantine empire in the last two centuries of its existence had to rebuild itself after its conquest and dismemberment by the Fourth Crusade in 1204. Its emperors in exile recovered Constantinople in 1261 and this book narrates their empire's struggles…
'Miss Hitler 2014’ Contestants You Did NOT SEE Coming - YouTube
"Miss America has copped a lot of flack as both a person and an institution in recent months. But here’s something that frames it as the Nobel Peace Prize of...
The Last Centuries of Byzantium, 1261-1453 - Donald M. Nicol - Google Books
The Byzantine empire in the last two centuries of its existence had to rebuild itself after its conquest and dismemberment by the Fourth Crusade in 1204. Its emperors in exile recovered Constantinople in 1261 and this book narrates their empire's struggles…
Wolf PAC Call for Volunteers - Get Money Out of Politics! - YouTube
Click here to join the Wolf PAC: http://www.wolf-pac.com/wolf_pac_membership_recurring_payment Wolf PAC is making real headway in getting money out of politi...
Hollywood Actress Refuses To Show Police Her ID Citing Racism - YouTube
"'Django Unchained' star Daniele Watts claims she was unlawfully detained by police Thursday after they saw her kissing her white boyfriend in a car and alle...