26 Ergebnisse für: 10.5cm
The race for thes Fastest/ Die lichtstärksten Objektive
Canon Rangefinder, Canon Meßsucher, Canon Messsucher, Canon Messucher, Canon P, Sonnar, Planar, Zeiss, Leica, LTM, Voigtlander, Bessa-II, Bessa, RF, Nikon, Nikkor-P f/2.5 10.5cm, Canon lens 0.95/50, 3.5/100, 1.5/50, 1.5/35, 2/35, Heliar, Color-Heliar,…
Rangefinder Cameras and Lenses of the 1950's and 1960's / CANON and VOIGTLANDER
Canon Rangefinder, Canon Meßsucher, Canon Messsucher, Canon Messucher, Canon P, Sonnar, Planar, Zeiss, Leica, LTM, Voigtlander, Bessa-II, Bessa, RF, Nikon, Nikkor-P f/2.5 10.5cm, Canon lens 0.95/50, 3.5/100, 1.5/50, 1.5/35, 2/35, Heliar, Color-Heliar,…
» Sperre Roost AG - kleinesstachelschwein.ch
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» AW Gütsch UR - kleinesstachelschwein.ch
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Kriegsmarine Coastal Forces - Gordon Williamson - Google Books
Although often overlooked in favour of the U-boats or battleships, the vast majority of the Kriegsmarine was formed of the smaller vessels of the coastal forces. These ships and boats, which included minesweepers, torpedo boats, patrol boats, and blockade…
Category:10.5 cm Flak 38 – Wikimedia Commons
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