9 Ergebnisse für: 152.751
Oriental Garden of Paul Klee by Chan Wing Wah in 2008 - YouTube
Oriental Garden of Paul Klee's painting in 1937, composed by Prof. Chan Wing-wah which was premiered by the Sontisatio Ensemble Leizip, in Bern & Winterthur ...
TANNER im INTERVIEW - tvnoir.de - YouTube
Alle Clips von JEAN-MICHEL TOURETTE unter http://tvnoir.de/jeanmicheltourette TV Noir das Wohnzimmer der Songwriter. Einmal im Monat führt TEX als Moderator ...
MAYBEBOP Podcast 72 Taiwan Tour - YouTube
MAYBEBOP war im Oktober ’16 zwei Wochen auf Taiwan-Tour. In dieser halbstündigen Dokumentation erzählen die vier Jungs, was sie dabei so alles erlebt haben.
Eddie Izzard - Brilliant Britain - YouTube
Eddie Izzard talks about the Brilliant Britain he's seen as he ran across the country - and how the Conservatives would put it at risk. Voice over at the end...
Violetta -- Super Trailer e piccola anteprima - Dal 14 maggio su Disney Channel - YouTube
Violetta, teenager di talento, dopo anni vissuti in giro per l'Europa ritorna a Buenos Aires, sua città natale. Qui scopre l'amore e la passione per la music...
Niki Kunrath konnte wegen Platzverbot kein "Zeichen setzen" - YouTube
Mehr Videos: http://derstandard.at/1389858214598/Vermummte-Klobuersten-und-Schwarzer-Block---Eindruecke-aus-der-Innenstadt
Science Slam - "Mit Micro-RNA auf Verbrecherjagd" - Cornelius Courts - YouTube
Cornelius Courts ist Forensiker am Institut für Rechtsmedizin in Bonn. Dort hat der promovierte Biologe Verfahren mitentwickelt, mit deren Hilfe man Spuren a...
Gigolette - Elliot Lawrence featuring Lucie Bigelow Rosen on Theremin - YouTube
April 13, 1949 recording of Gigolette by Elliot Lawrence and his Orchestra at the Columbia 30th Street Studio in Midtown Manhattan. Transferred using the Col...
Stephan Hartmann - Alexander von Humboldt Professorship 2013 (EN) - YouTube
Stephan Hartmann is one of the world's leading academics in formal epistemology and the philosophy of science. He gained his reputation particularly for his ...