5 Ergebnisse für: 181433
Category:Tenor saxophones – Wikimedia Commons
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ESO - ESO 19/08 - A Trio of Super-Earths
ESO is the European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere. It operates the La Silla Paranal Observatory in Chile and has its headquarters in Garching, near Munich, Germany.
Category:Exoplanets – Wikimedia Commons
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ESO - ESO 19/08 - A Trio of Super-Earths
ESO is the European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere. It operates the La Silla Paranal Observatory in Chile and has its headquarters in Garching, near Munich, Germany.
Mini-Invasion der Exoplaneten | Telepolis
Teleskop der Europäischen Südsternwarte entdeckt mithilfe des HARPS-Spektrographen drei neue Planetensysteme mit massearmen und massereichen Sterntrabanten