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    Lesen Sie hier den Bibeltext in der Einheitsübersetzung. Schlagen Sie Bibelstellen direkt auf, suchen Sie nach Stichworten und teilen den Text mit anderen:

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    ALS DRUMBASSADORS werden die Holländer René Creemers und Wim DeVries angekündigt. Auf Einladung des Waldkircher Haus der Jugend und Drumhouse gastieren die beiden am Donnerstag, 21. März, 19,30 Uhr, im Haus der Jugend. Die Basis ihrer Vorstellung ist,…

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    Over the past century, the banana industry has radically transformed Latin America and the Caribbean and become a major site of United States–Latin American interaction. Banana Wars is a history of the Americas told through the cultural, political,…

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    In Finding the Movement, Anne Enke reveals that diverse women’s engagement with public spaces gave rise to and profoundly shaped second-wave feminism. Focusing on women’s activism in Detroit, Chicago, and Minneapolis-St. Paul during the 1960s and 1970s,…

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    Originally published in 1985, and available for the first time in paperback, Bondmen & Rebels provides a pioneering study of slave resistance in the Americas. Using the large-scale Antigua slave conspiracy of 1736 as a window into that society, David Barry…

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    Collected essays consider points of affinity and friction between Walter Benjamin and Martin Heidegger.Despite being contemporaries, Walter Benjamin and Martin Heidegger never directly engaged with one another. Yet, Hannah Arendt, who knew both men,…

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    A memoir-meets-exposé that examines our fraught relationship with the West and our attempts to clean up a toxic environmental legacy   In 2002, Texas journalist Brad Tyer strapped a canoe on his truck and moved to Montana, a state that has long exerted a…

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    Landesbibliothekszentrum Rheinland-Pfalz. Statistische Nachrichten über den Regierungsbezirk Coblenz. Coblenz : [s.n.], 1861

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    Land Tirol - Wahlergebnisse

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